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LMAA Committee – May 2024

Further to the Association’s AGM, held on 23 May 2024, the following changes to the LMAA Committee can be confirmed.

In this year’s contested Committee election, following the receipt of three candidate nominations for the two available spaces on the Committee, Clare Ambrose and Clive Aston were elected to the Committee. Ian Gaunt, having previously retired from his ex officio role and eligible for re-election was not elected to the Committee. The Association is very grateful for Ian’s time on the Committee.

Duncan Quinan retired from the Committee by rotation and leaves with the Association’s thanks for his contribution over the years serving as a Committee member.

Having completed his last year as the President, David Steward stepped down. The Committee is pleased to announce Jonathan Elvey as the new LMAA President. On behalf of the Association, the Committee Members wish to express their immense gratitude to David for his hard work, commitment and determination during his three-year tenure.

Bruce Harris will continue to attend Committee meetings ex officio in his capacity as Second Past President.

In accordance with the above, the LMAA Officers and Committee now comprise:


Jonathan Elvey – President

David Steward – Immediate Past President

Clare Ambrose

Clive Aston

Sara Gillingham Aukner

Ben Goss

Bruce Harris – Second Past President (sitting ex officio)


The other officers of the Association remain unchanged, being:


Gerard Hopkins – Honorary Secretary

Margareta Svigler – Executive Secretary

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